Why Data Matters
I've talked a lot lately on Facebook about data. Looking at data, analyzing it, using it. And for the past 2 weeks now I've got to go around and see and mentor those who produce it. While data can seem distant and unrelated, it is absolutely critical to the evaluation of programs and their impact. So I wanted to share what it means to work with data in the health sector in a developing country and all the incredibly hard-working health staff who I was able to interact with. These workers don't do anything for recognition or glory and serve in off-road facilities in far corners of the world. I have been traveling hundreds of kilometers a day to visit some urban but mostly very rural health facilities like the one I lived at for the past 2 years. Some were at least an hour via a strong, fast truck from any sort of paved road, city, or electricity. But I went there with partners from EGPAF to give these facilities support, advice, and mentorship. During the mentorship, we re...