Cooking. [laugh] Never will I ever!
Well, you know what they say, "never say never." I left the United States with a stomach full of the sweetest coffee and I think a pastry I bought in the airport. My diet before village life in Malawi? Mountain Dew, Coffee, an occasional apple, random fast-food, grilled cheese, doughnuts. It wasn't a weight issue at just under 110 lbs (I don't know how this was possible but its true). It was a health issue though. I couldn't cook. Confirm this with my mother. 24 years old and I could not even make my own grilled cheese. I didn't even want to try and cook. Now, let me explain a little. I graduated a semester early from UGA to start my first "real job." And the week I was promoted to full-time was the same week I started graduate school. Almost 2 years of no sleep, no food, papers, work, deadlines, research, performance reviews and just that precious Mountain Dew and coffee.
So, I join Peace Corps and move to Malawi. A place were Mountain Dew and Starbucks and Keurig don't exist. And I set a goal: learn how to cook; learn how to be healthy. And folks, I am well on my way. In a place where I can only use matches, wood, and charcoal for cooking with no kitchen and old utensils, I am learning to cook. Who would have thought?
These days, I just drink water. Sometimes flavored. Almost no sodas. I eat fresh garlic, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, pumpkin leaves, carrots, cabbage, green beans, red beans (that are boiling now). Rice, wheat bread, honey, spaghetti, eggs. Papaya, mangoes, bananas, oranges, watermelon, apples, plums, pineapples, cucumbers, lemons. Oh and yes, A LOT of hot peri peri sauce! I like to throw everything around and make something new. Like today I tried diced cucumbers in my citrus, butter pasta sauce and it was great!
And of course, I still find ice cream in town every few months, have some occasional beers or a Coke, or receive a care package with some cookies. But its rare and no longer the norm. I set a lot of goals for 2013. I accomplished pretty much all of them. It was an epic year. This blog is just sharing how one goal was met. I'm so excited for my new journey of cooking, learning, and mostly just using Gods good earth with plants and fruits for food!
And for the record, the care packages with cookies/Doritos/candy can still come. I'm not complaining or anything. ;) It's a great treat to share with Malawian friends who never have those things and a relief for my body which is still detoxing and in Mountain Dew rehab. Cheers!
Before and after pictures:
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