“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things .” 1 Colossians 20 “Behold, I am making all things new.” Revelation 21:5 The past 2 months have been quite tumultuous for Mpha and I here in Malawi. Coming back from a wonderful holiday in the USA we were faced with the reality of our life here. Not every day is an Instagram post and our life most days is very down to earth. In two months we’ve faced theft and burglary (thankfully neither in our own home), harassment, job and transfer challenges which means we still live apart, sicknesses, car challenges and the everyday edge of living in a country where hot season/summer brings blackouts leading to broken ATMs where money cannot be accessed for days. Not to mention hospitals, supermarkets, neighbors with zero access to electricity for hours and days. Along with our own selfish struggles has come constant news of death. . . everywhere, all around us. The past...