
Showing posts from September, 2015

The Haunting

Back in 2013 when I was still fresh to living in Malawi, I sat one night on a gorgeous beach in the lake region of Mangochi. As we were watching the sun set from the luxury of a lodge, one expat who had been in Malawi for some time started speaking of her desire to leave Malawi because she was just tired of death. Everyone went quiet as we were not quite sure what to say.  Living in one of the most economically poor countries means there's going to be poverty, depression, sickness, and death. And I knew there was death here every time I rode my bike through the village and found branches of trees crisscrossed on the road symbolizing a funeral taking place nearby. But in your mind you always assumed it was someone older, someone's whose lived a full life.  After over 3 years, with more years yet to come, I now comfortably can say I live here. And with that realization also comes three years of my own experiences with death. And the temptation I face...