
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Real Jesus

My heartbeat and prayer for 2015: "I Want It All (Just Give Me Jesus)" by  Daniel Bashta   I don't want just another touch I'm just looking for the real Jesus And only You will do My voice has sung a million words But I'm still looking for the real Jesus And only You will do It's all just meaningless And empty songs at best Unless You respond So Give me the real thing Not just religion Stir up my passion With more of conviction I want it all Not just a portion Give me Your presence Not just some feeling I don't want just another taste I'm just looking for the real Jesus There must be more than this My heart is cold and faith is weak But I'm still looking for the real Jesus Oh I know there's more than this It's all just meaningless The stench of hollowness Unless You respond So Give me the real thing Not just religion Stir up my passion With more of conviction I want it all Not just a portion Give me Your presence Not just some feeling ...


After filling out 28 job applications with 19 different organizations and being given 6 interviews and 2 offers, I have news of what I have chosen to do next in Malawi. While I wasn't always certain what path I wanted to take next, it became increasingly clear over the past month. I've lived in the village in Malawi for over 2 years now and I've seen a lot that can break your heart. But the events of the past month broke me. Over a year ago I met a man who became one of my closest counterparts. We planned a training together, managed a grant, started a health center vegetable garden, re-energized the HIV Support Group, and he became an expert client at the health center even being offered a chance to attend a USAID training. All these accomplishments and we can hardly communicate because he doesn't speak any English and I only minimal Chiyao! It was always interesting!  In February 2014 him and his wife had a baby girl. And to my greatest honor (and quite a bit ...