To Be

It's a small success. Like dew in the morning you know it probably won't last. Ups and down. The tide in and out. Development. Last year the local secondary school (high school) got their first female teacher along with a boarding school for girls. What a success! We started an AIDS TOTO club together and planned projects to empower girls. But now she is being transferred to a school hours away. One of the most educated women in the community now gone. Where do we go from here? No male teachers want to continue the AIDS toto club with me. Several female students have gotten pregnant and are called "useless." In my American mind we were making progress. Now as a Peace Corps Volunteer my emotions feel like they are back to square one. Development. They call me doctor now in the village. I'm not but it's the name given to anyone even remotely connected to the clinic. Even the cleaning staff. Even when all you do is make...