
Showing posts from August, 2018

What is Africa? What is Malawi?

W hat is Africa? W hat is Malawi?

Gender Justice. . . A Developing Idea. . .

I've never truly been comfortable with the diction of "gender equality." But in a world of catch phrase development terms, you tend to go with what you have. And it sounded reasonable enough. But recently I listened to a discussion on that reminded me of why I've never been 100% comfortable with the term. "Again I would argue feminism has nothing to do with what is between your legs. Feminism has everything to do with what is between your ears. It is a way of thinking, it is an ideology of intersectional gender justice. Not equality, justice. Equality has also a very slippery slope. What are we trying to be equal to? Men don't have such a great time in the world either right now. Sorry, but it's really true. Many men suffer under indignities that are extremely unfair. Patriarchy puts a huge burden on men in ways that I don't even think we have begun to unpack. So let's talk about it in a different way." This is an exert from a talk give...