What Now?
Hello everyone. I know I updated a few months back about what my next steps were in Malawi but it seems that process of "next steps" never ends. At least not the questions from friends, family, and well meaning people. But for me I guess the answer now is that there is no more big "next step." As I've been constantly reminded on my trip home to the States, I grew up telling everyone for as long as they and I could remember that one day I was going to live in Africa. I always had different ideas of what exactly I would do there but what was for certain is that I would be across the ocean. A lot of people have been reminding me of my certainty that my life partner would be there too. So in 2013 after years of traveling short-term to Kenya and finishing a Masters Degree in International Policy and a minor in African Studies, I joined the Peace Corps and moved to the place I loved. And what I found was a plethora of more "what's next" questions all...