
Right now Ebola is a media sensation and for a good reason. People are dying and there's not really a cure. One good thing is that Ebola is a relatively hard disease to get as it requires direct contact with bodily fluids. But I don't want to write about Ebola. I want to write about Malawi and what I work on here that's maybe not such a media sensation but its a huge part of my life and the lives of those around me. In Malawi we don't have Ebola yet. But we have other things. Here my life goes like this: every night as I lay down to go to sleep, I also tuck in an insecticide treated bed net called a LLIN around my bed and under the mattress. Every hotel I visit also has these hanging from the ceiling. Everywhere you go they are there. The "why" is this: in Malawi many people die from malaria (malungo in Chichewa) each year and WHO estimates "around 1 million" die around the globe every year. Children under 5 years are especially vulnerable and ...