The Others
When I sit for dinner, I'm surrounded by many things and many people and many beliefs. One meal here in Malawi can contain a Muslim, a Seventh Day Adventist, a Presbyterian, an atheist, and an agnostic. One meal can contain a Malawian, an American, a German, a Latin American and a Dutchman. One meal here in Malawi can contain someone who is gay, straight, and bi. One of the most beautiful things my masters degree and Peace Corps have done for me is given me the privilege of dining with so many different people. In Turkey where about 99% of the population are Muslims to Malawi where over half of my community is Muslim and were the Baptists denomination is rare if hardly found. And volunteers here in Malawi come from around the whole world! I've gotten to see life through the eyes of those who didn't grow up like me in America. Who didn't grow up in the "Bible Belt." Chatting with people who are so different from me but getting the chance to hear about who ...