Grieving with those who grieve
There are some weeks that are hard to talk about and maybe don't make for the best blogs but they are part of my life. On Monday I woke up around 4:30am to the sound of wailing and crying close to my window and I knew immediately that one of my neighbors had died. I got up and dressed by 5am and went next door. When someone dies, the word goes out fast and the entire village comes over to that persons house to sit and some women to cook. Men normally sit in one location and women in another. In my Muslim community, inside the house where the body normally is, only men go. So from about 5am to 6am I just sat in the backyard with other women watching the sun come up and watching the endless array of neighbors come by. Even if you didn't feel a particularly strong bond to the one who died, the looks of agony on other's faces and their wails can bring anyone to tears. I left to get breakfast and then packed some food to bring over...