Inherit the Earth

I dislike the term "first world." The taste it leaves on my tongue. And I dislike the term "third world." The terms are outdated, perhaps derogatory, and only divide, not unite populations. Most political scientists would now agree. I don't live in the third world- I live in the world. And although the United States may think they are, they aren't the first, the greatest, or the indomitable. What makes the purity and simplicity of this village life in Malawi third and others first? May the meek inherit the earth. When the last shall become first. Some book recommendations for those interested in diving into these concepts more: Things Fall Apart Poisonwood Bible Smoldering Charcoal Heart of Darkness Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles Dead Aid Development as Freedom ^^Photo: The multiple children playing just outside my house near the porch.