
Showing posts from October, 2013

Malawi is Malawi

Malawi. Malawi is an experience that we see. He stands by the paved road every day. He watches as mini-bus after mini-bus full of humans crammed in as if they were cattle pass by. He runs after each one, hands full of today's produce- onions, tomatoes, cabbage. All will go bad in just a matter of days and can no longer can be sold. He prays for passengers in need of the products he has. His eyes have long lost hope. But wait, here comes another bus, filled to the brim. He makes one sell. A bundle of tomatoes for K100- about $.40. The next bus comes and drops a passenger. No sale. And the next 20 buses come with no sale. The day is winding down but yet another bus approaches. He runs up to it but they drop the passenger and then slam the door in his face. His eyes drop and he sighs. It looks as if his heart just broke. The heat beats down on his dark face. It's time to walk home. Home to 5 children and a wife. Tomorrow is another day.  Malawi. Malawi we cannot or d...