Malawi: An Epic

“Are you going to blog? Do you have a blog?” I had every intention to. But where to begin? What to say? It’s been three months . . . how can I capture it all in paragraphs and post it to a website? Post it to a form of technology so foreign and probably never even seen by the majority of those who live around me. I guess what I can do is start with some words written by Barbara Kingsolver (pg 265-266) in her book The Poisonwood Bible . In her story of life in the Congo one young character in the book says: “Mother has nagged us to write letters home to our classmates at Bethlehem High, and not one of us has done it yet. We’re still wondering, Where do you start? ‘This morning I got up. . .’ I’d begin, but no, ‘This morning I pulled back the mosquito netting that’s tucked in tight around our beds because mosquitoes here give you malaria, a disease that runs in your blood which nearly everyone has anyway but they don’t go to the doctor for it because there are worse things like ...